1212 gateway energies | www.stellaseaspirit.co.za

Why these dates are significant, how to connect and optimise the energy of this etheric passageway. 

Every year during December our solar system moves into alignment with the Great Central Sun at the Galactic Core, which is located at 26 to 27 degrees Sagittarius, forming an etheric passageway between 12.12 and 21.12 which conveys a stream of cosmic codes in escalation for the approaching surge of light during the solstice window.

Caution! The fiery Sun-in-Sagittarius energy passage into December up until the Solstice can fuel a burning go-go-go need, making it easy to overindulge, over commit or overextend in the physical, emotional or cerebral realms. Be careful of spending uncomfortably beyond your means.


Why is this significant?

The 12.12-21.12 passageway opens from 12 December and continues streaming potently until 21 December, pouring a wave of high frequency light codes into our energy fields for the evolution of our planet and all upon it in preparation for the solstice when the sun rises at the galactic cross.

This flows directly from Source, via the Great Central Sun at the Galactic Core, which is located at 26 to 27 degrees Sagittarius, showering all on Earth with high frequency electro-magnetic rays to receive whatever you need at this time to continue to embody a higher frequency on the planet and ground it into the Earth grid to make the original blueprint for this living library, which we call home for a time, a reality.


Use This Time For:

✶ Healing fear, pain or wounding from the past that are holding you back from living your best life going forward

✶ Re-integrating your ancient soul wisdom as the fiery cosmic codes ignite the sacred geometry within every particle of your being and connect you more deeply to Source

✶ Consciously opening up to higher dimensions of consciousness to boost your intuition and mystical experiences




How to get your cosmic nutrients during this period…

Take some time to:

• Honour the inklings inside you that are ready to emerge, turn within and tune external noise out

• Transform challenges by asking for interdimensional amelioration and/or healing to flow with optimal grace and ease

• Create more inner peace and invite connection with Source and your higher self

• Ask your Spirit Guides to assist you in raising your vibration so you can anchor it on the planet for the good of all

• Surrender to Source energy to reveal your next step in life (whatever is most pertinent for you at this time)

• Repeat this annually because the light code activations, wisdom and frequencies are cumulative


Or you can book a bespoke Merkaba Activation with me knowing that it is a stellar time. 😉

This powerful energy healing session is dynamic, alchemical and intelligent in itself so it will flow to you in the perfect amount specific to your core needs as you dream your future into being and continue to receive personal insights for your spiritual growth. Please click here for more details.

Give me 5 minutes...

And you will feel more deeply connected to yourself, your intuition and Source energy.

So that you can receive divine intercession and spiritual guidance, modifying your way of being in this world.