Challenging Times: 4 Steps to Bounce Back |

It happens… There are times in life where you just find yourself in a situation you would rather not be in. Discover 4 steps you can follow to bounce back from any setback.

Something blindsides you and it’s not what you would consider desirable… A rough patch could encompass a morning, a day, a week, a month, a year or even a batch of years.

You know you don’t want to stay in that mood because it’s not who you want to be but as a human being you can’t help but feel this way. It feels oppressive, dismal and heavy and you just can’t see how or when you are going to get out of it.


Great! So you clearly know what you don’t want.

Now you just need to re-shape the situation into something you would prefer.


4 Steps You Can Follow Out of Any Setback


1. Accept

I accept where I find myself right now.

I accept my partial role in the circumstances that brought me here.

I accept the opportunity for growth and learning inherent in my current state of affairs.

I accept my innate power that offers me the ability to transform this situation as I now choose.


2. Invite

Universe (or your preference) I don’t feel things are going so well. So if you really want me to have/do/be X in a mundane sense, in a way that supports my soul self, I’m giving this three New Moons. If in three full lunar months I don’t have more X coming in or X isn’t working out for me I’m closing this request for good.

Spirit (or your preference) bring me a message about my next step. Show me in a way that super-imposes so that I will notice and know that it clearly pertains to me.

Don’t obsessively look for messages in everything. Trust you will receive them effortlessly.

Don’t expect to dodge the inner work. You may have to address a shadow aspect such as exploring co-dependency, a lack of self-esteem etc.


3. Listen

Listen to your body and emotions. If you want to cry, scream or exile yourself to a bed-cave for a day or three do it. Get the initial emotional reaction fully out.

Then when you feel ready, enter your centre of calm. Your centre of calm exists only in the present moment.

You cannot be digging up the past or spewing anxiety into the future and be in your centre. Do what is right before you which you have control over. Pack those boxes. Clean that kitchen. Rearrange the furniture. Plant those seeds. Take that walk.

Observe what happens without emotional attachment, stay as neutral as possible, as if you are watching a play which just happens to be about you. Allow inquisitiveness in, muse about your performance, the significance of other’s roles, recurring themes and possible twists in the tale.

Listen to your intuition around the subject. This can only be done successfully from your centre of calm. Stop stressing, otherwise you create so much internal noise that it renders you unable to perceive guidance offered, opportunities presented or possibilities produced.

Through acceptance, invitation and listening, you will come to know what it is you truly want to experience next so that you can pass that instruction on to the matrix through aligned thought, word, sentiment and deed.

When you deliberately step into your centre of calm you are able to listen to your inner guidance before eliciting a deliberate, smart decision from the core of your being.


4. Spiral Up

So how do you recover your happiness? One moment at a time, like pausing between your in-breath and out-breath.


In each moment there is always choice.

Choose to feel differently.

Choose to perceive differently.

Choose to create differently.


Ask yourself;

• “What am I welcoming into my life now?

• “What do I choose to release now?”

• “Where do I already perceive evidence of this occurring?”


For example

“I am welcoming in more joy and prosperity. I choose to release old limiting programs and any emotional baggage that no longer serves me. I see this occurring around me when I received a free gift from the grocer this morning and this joy carried through my day.”

“I am welcoming in a truer expression of myself and releasing the past. I notice this around me by how many people express that something is different about me and the number of strangers who respond to me.”

“In this moment I welcome in love and release fear. I feel this already playing out in my life because I feel safe and secure, calm and centred no matter what is going on around me.”

“In this moment I welcome in gratitude and release lack. I know this is happening because I have this great feeling of fullness, I extract appreciation for the tiniest details in my life and I realise just how much I already have.”

Don’t fret if you aren’t doing it the way you would like to. Appreciate what you are already getting right and let that provide passage for the unfoldment of more rightness.

Power Mantra:

How and when belongs to Creative Flow. Instruction in the present is where the seat of my power resides.


Understanding The Shadow and The Nature of What Is Dark

How To Calm and Center (In Tricky Situations)

Self Love Magick

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So that you can receive divine intercession and spiritual guidance, modifying your way of being in this world.