Aries Magick |

How to connect and work with Aries new moon energy to set the tone for the fresh lunar cycle.

Careful what you wish for! The New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are aligned at the same degree in the same sign.

The Moon lines up between the Earth and Sun, so your conscious self is in tune with the unconscious.

The sacred masculine (represented by the Sun) and sacred feminine (represented by the Moon) are symbolically united for seeds of intention to be sown.


Aries warrior energy combined with the initiatory energy attributed to New Moon stokes the proverbial fire to boost the progress of any undertaking.


10 ideas for Aries New Moon:

Intensify your exercise program

Undertake a challenge straight on or assert your opinion

Empower any new matter you wish to bring into manifest form

Give an extra boost to goals you want to set in motion. Write up a To-Do List.

Reflect on who you are and if your thoughts, speech and actions accurately portray your true self

Initiate a new project, take an innovative approach, make a new beginning

Contemplate your I Am-ness and perhaps re-affirm your self-identity as a powerful Wise One with the ability to command the elements of Creation

Have an Oriental Head Massage or Cranio-Sacral Treatment

Set intentions to take you where you want to go

Choose to live fully in the Now. The past is a memory, the future is yet unshaped. You only have dominion over the present moment in which to manifest what happens next.


With the new moon in Aries I highly recommend making some kind of gesture to signal the universe your readiness to release the old and move into new better things!

If you’re looking for a place to start, you may find my New Beginning Ritual Meditation helpful. I’d love to hear your experiences with it should you decide to give it a whirl…

[Duration = 18 minutes]

Since everyone experiences the energies of the New Moon, bear in mind that with all the ambition, potential, goals, expression, assertion and creativity flying about at this time there will also be a sense of rushing, impatience, impulsivity and possible bursts of anger. Stress can be heightened.

Give me 5 minutes...

And you will feel more deeply connected to yourself, your intuition and Source energy.

So that you can receive divine intercession and spiritual guidance, modifying your way of being in this world.