Capricorn Magick |

How to connect and work with Capricorn new moon energy to set the tone for the fresh lunar cycle.

The New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are aligned at the same degree in the same sign. The Moon lines up between the Earth and Sun, so your conscious self is in tune with the unconscious.

The sacred masculine (represented by the Sun) and sacred feminine (represented by the Moon) are symbolically united for seeds of intention to be sown.


Sea Goat energy combined with the initiatory energy attributed to New Moon lends massive impetus to boosting your social status, ambition and gaining recognition.


Embrace the powerful Wise One within ~ anything you sow now will develop firm roots.


10 ideas for Capricorn New Moon:

• Take stock of what you want to achieve, set the steps out for yourself planning your moves that will take you from A to B. No excuses.

• Enrol for a business course, money savvy workshop or something that boosts your expertise. Set out long-term financial targets.

• Evaluate your relationships with others ~ are they assisting you to go where you want to be or weighing you down?

• Do some soul-searching and consider how being rigidly rooted in ‘convention’ could play a role in holding you back from fulfilling your true potential

• Assert your authority and confront any unfair situations in the workplace. Take control of a situation.

• The potent energy of Saturn backing Capricorn is ideal for neutralising negativity, banishing hindrances and setting boundaries. Take no sh*t. (The Freezing Bad Behaviour Rite can help with this)

• Strategise existing opportunities and intend to reach higher and gain more. It may require greater perseverance and commitment on your part but it will be super rewarding.

• Acknowledge your excellence and accomplishments thus far regardless of their size. Own them. Use past experience to maximise your resources.

• Incorporate discipline into your daily habits. Commit to a daily meditation, mantra, affirmation, visualisation or some form of deliberate creation techniques that will align your vibration body, mind and soul.

• Treat your skin with an exfoliation, full body wrap, milk bath or just an enriching facial. 


Since everyone experiences the energies of the New Moon, bear in mind that the intense Sea Goat energies can bring about a sense of sternness and seriousness so avoid inflexibility and remember to look for the joy in your experiences.

Give me 5 minutes...

And you will feel more deeply connected to yourself, your intuition and Source energy.

So that you can receive divine intercession and spiritual guidance, modifying your way of being in this world.