Container Love Spell |

This is an easy spell with a few simple ingredients to welcome more love into your life. Attract your best match at this time or to enhance your existing committed relationship.

The best time to make this love bottle is on Valentine’s Eve (13 February) because it is a day sacred to Artemis ~ a powerful huntress archetype with a reputation for getting what she aims at.

If you are recovering from the dissolution of a relationship, then I would advise performing the suggestions for releasing your ex(es) here first.



1 glass bottle with a lid

2 tiny pieces of rose quartz

1 small stick of cinnamon

1 dash of ground vanilla (if you can’t purchase it this way you can crush a vanilla pod with a pestle in a mortar or use 2 drops of pure vanilla extract)

1 dash of dried lavender blossoms or rose petals

1 dusting of granulated sugar

1 pink or white label

Optional: Listen to your favourite love song playlist (not melancholic ones please)!



• Set up a mystical meditative atmosphere per your tastes.

• Pack out all the items you will be using before you, on the floor, altar or kitchen counter.

• In your mind’s eye imagine a magenta and gold light permeating your space and feel it sweep through your aura to continue to form a dome encasing you and your workspace.

• Ground and centre yourself and ask your Personal Interdimensional Support Team to support your intentions.

• Sitting or standing in front of the ingredients concentrate on how you want to feel in a relationship. For example; safe, trusted, loved, attractive, understood, cherished. Also think about qualities you would like him/her to possess like; romantic, considerate, kind, faithful, generous, patient.


{You can adapt this part if you are already in a committed relationship ~ concentrate on how you would like things to be between you}.


• Sprinkle some vanilla powder in the base of the bottle to form a heavenly bed, drop the 2 crystals into it, add the cinnamon stick, shower with lavender blossoms or rose petals and dust it with sweetness (sugar). Seal the bottle with love.


Affirm to yourself;

“I love myself deeply and unconditionally, I dwell in pure love and am blessed with true love.”


• Write the word “love” on the label and stick it onto the bottle. Give thanks to your Spirit Helpers. Ground and centre again. Allow the candle to burn itself out in a fireproof holder in a safe place.

• Carry your Love Bottle with you in your handbag or place it on your nightstand, dressing table or on your love altar.

• If you made a Love Bottle for your loved one you can gift it to them if you know it will be well received. If you are unsure, hide it in their cupboard or somewhere near their things *cackle*

{And if you have made a Love Bottle before, now is the time to recharge it!}


Ready for a higher heart activation?

Book a bespoke heart healing and cosmic love activation rite with me (available in February only).

Give me 5 minutes...

And you will feel more deeply connected to yourself, your intuition and Source energy.

So that you can receive divine intercession and spiritual guidance, modifying your way of being in this world.