Archangel Michael Angel Magick |

The type of magick you can work with Archangel Michael, associations for your altar plus an incantation.

Did you know that the word “angel” stems from the Greek version of the Hebrew mal’akh which means “shadow side of deity”?

It seems kind of counterintuitive since one always associates angels with dazzling light. So what then is meant by this?


Well, it just means that the work of angels takes place in a way that is unseen hence in the shadows beyond ordinary sight where you cannot see the various changes taking place. Just like a magical Book of Shadows (or its older counterpart, the grimoire) is all about working with forces and realms that are unseen.

Because of their higher energy angels help us draw more harmony, love, compassion and peace into our lives when you remember to call upon them and specifically ask them to assist you in your daily life they can do so in many ways.


Michael’s name means “he who is like God”.

Archangel Michael is also known as Mika’il, Sabbathiel and Beshter which means “one who provides sustenance for humanity.”


Archangel Michael assists with protection, faith, personal strength and power. His main objective is to eliminate fear from our realm. Call upon him to cleanse people and places of negativity.

What many don’t know is that he watches over sacred healing waters (wells, streams, fountains) and guards shrines created in honour of the Goddess/divine feminine.


Archangel Michael Magick |


Michael assists with

• Liberation from doubt and fear

• Strengthening your faith and courage

• Guiding and accompanying you through dangerous situations

• Eliciting a sense of safety and confidence

• Inspiring world leaders to act in accordance with the greater good and improving principles of government

• Exorcism and space clearing (home, office, public areas, transportation etc.)

• Removing psychic debris and discord from within your being

• Ushering discarnate entities and earth-bound attachments to the light for transmutation

• Shielding from physical, verbal and psychic attack

• Cutting unhealthy etheric cords that link you to past experiences, items, negative emotions and other people with the Sword of the Blue Flame

• Releasing past vows that have prevented you from speaking your truth and/or sharing it with others out of fear

• Stimulating willpower to complete tasks, increasing motivation and vitality

• Providing protection to those in despair or in harm’s way

• Guarding property


Power Day: Sunday

Colours: sparkles or flashes of sapphire blue light or flame (varies between individuals)

Connection scents: Juniper, frankincense, hyssop, basil

Connection crystals: blue kyanite, azurite, sodalite


Suggested general incantation:


“Archangel Michael, blaze your brilliant blue flame around me everywhere I go,


shielding me from discord as I live my truth and cultivate my personal power.


Sever any ties I may have to emotions, people, situations and


objects that hinder my expansion.


Raze any old programing from my cells, thought patterns and


collective ties from my being, filling me instead


with purpose and faith to succeed.”


Angel Magick: Air ~ Archangel Raphael

Angel Magick: Water ~ Archangel Gabriel

Angel Magick: Earth ~ Archangel Uriel

Give me 5 minutes...

And you will feel more deeply connected to yourself, your intuition and Source energy.

So that you can receive divine intercession and spiritual guidance, modifying your way of being in this world.