Do you keep hearing people talking about shadow work? Wondering what they are referring to? Want to explore the mysterious but afraid of the dark? Read on…
Psychic scams are a fear-based method for you to hand over your hard earned cash to avert a dark cloud or curse around you that essentially does not exist.
Why casting a circle or sacred space at your altar differs in the Southern and Northern hemispheres and how to do it with these step by step instructions.
Learn about the power of the universal language of colour and how to match the most appropriate hue to your intent to cast a spell with it every day.
How to practice discernment, why it is not the same as judgement plus three questions to ask yourself when examining your beliefs, opinions and lifestyle choices.
Seven easy ways to relieve stress with some self love magick tips for the practical mage who is busy and stressed!
This easy to follow spell shows you how to align with your soul blueprint on your solar return to welcome all manner of goodness and open roads of opportunity for your new solar year ahead!
What it is, how it works, how to benefit from it and why you shouldn’t be afraid of it….
For the purposes of this blog, magick is spelled with a “k” to differentiate it from prestidigitation (stage magic or sleight of hand). All energy is neutral mouldable potential, so it is the practitioner’s intention that shapes different kinds of magick.