Can you alter reality? Can you cause a cataclysm through your magick? Let’s explore the potential chaos effect of butterfly wings…
Particularly helpful for those of you living with people who don’t understand why you can’t just be like them and can’t see beyond their own limited frame of reference.
A favourite point of reference for sceptics, about whether reincarnation is real or not, is the commonality that so many people claim to have been a prominent figurehead such as Cleopatra, Merlin and Joan of Arc in another life.
Love spells, an ancient request from countless magickal practitioners over centuries gone by. Many a tale is woven around what happens when they go awry. But few have possessed the eyes to see why…
How to access cosmic consciousness and safely perform soul retrieval for yourself.
Harnessing mind power to change your thinking.
How do you put your thoughts into words about what you believe in, when it comes to explaining your spiritual path to others?
If you prefer to harvest your own fresh herbs for culinary, healing or ritual magick purposes instead of dried store bought ones or essential oils, here is what you need to know…
Find the right style of meditation for your personality and reap these six (or more) benefits.