Why you shouldn’t be scared of engaging in ritual, what the point of performing ritual is and how to create sacred ritual in your personal space.
The truth about Karma ~ in its original context and what it means for you as a modern mystic.
A simple step-by-step formula (plus practical examples) to bring more stability, clarity and positive impact into your life. Each time you connect to Earth, Source and your higher self more deeply and revitalise your energy.
How and when to use the power of the elements within and around you in everyday life (practically). Boost your inner guidance and optimise the energy of different situations for more confidence and better results.
What is spellcasting? Is it harmful? Discover how and why spells work and what you can do to improve to cast more powerfully and confidently.
All change whether it is personal, family, career or all three at once results in new beginnings which lead to temporary energy upheavals and scatterings.
This spell can be performed to find an answer, a solution or explanation to events which confuse you or require clarity regarding any area of your life. Expect lightning fast results.
Here is a list of things you can do to amplify your magickal practice while passing the time and/or transcending the “rat race” culture, boosting your energy, creativity and productivity with a lengthy commute.
Your default daily habits keep you in a holding pattern. The quickest way to incur change is by making incremental intentional shifts in your day-to-day activities.
When others invade your space, trash your boundaries or approach you with downright meanness, you have the right to defend your personal space.