White Magick Love Spell | www.stellaseaspirit.co.za

Valentine Wishes With Elemental Blessings

How to cast Valentine wishes with the elements for a  “white magic” and “karma friendly” love spell to invite the most appropriate romantic partner into your life now!

Container Love Spell | www.stellaseaspirit.co.za

Valentine Love Spell in A Bottle

This is an easy spell with a few simple ingredients to welcome more love into your life. Attract your best match at this time or to enhance your existing committed relationship.

11:11 Gateway | www.stellaseaspirit.co.za

What To Do With the 11 11 Gateway Energy

The annual 11 11 gateway opens up again, generating a sacred portal that flows more light codes to Earth and all upon her, triggering ancient recall within your neural pathways, further awakening your DNA to higher vibrating realms.