A simple rite to reconnect with your muse.
Who a cosmic lightweaver is, what they do and the way they might feel drawn to perform acts of magick with the celestial realm and creative intelligence of the universe.
Practicing self-love is an ideal way to invite more of the things that nurture your heart and stir your soul into your life.
How to create portable altars if you are on the go, or have limited space and privacy for creating an altar that is a discrete power portal.
What an altar is, how it really works, how to construct your own powerful altar (plus what to do with it once you have one).
A dark moon ritual to let go of toxic emotions and release emotional baggage so that you can feel better and move on.
How to apply lunar energy streams practically to positively influence your personal situation each week of the lunar cycle to activate your highest most joyful path.
All change whether it is personal, family, career or all three at once results in new beginnings which lead to temporary energy upheavals and scatterings.
Here is a list of things you can do to amplify your magickal practice while passing the time and/or transcending the “rat race” culture, boosting your energy, creativity and productivity with a lengthy commute.