White Magick Love Spell | www.stellaseaspirit.co.za

How to cast Valentine wishes with the elements for a  “white magic” and “karma friendly” love spell to invite the most appropriate romantic partner into your life now!

Rather than targeting a specific person to bend them to your will. If you decide to perform this spell to target/manipulate a specific person, the onus is on you.

If you like, you can adapt the spell slightly to deepen an existing love relationship instead with the suggestion below.


If you are recovering from the dissolution of a relationship, then I would advise performing the suggestions for releasing your ex(es) here before proceeding with this spell.

Alternatively, if you’re ready to receive a bespoke ritual magick heart healing that soothes away heartache and immerses you in cosmic love with the support of the Unicorn and Fae realms, please click here for all the details and to claim your spot before bookings close!



Cast this spell on Valentine’s Eve (Feb. 13th) or on a Friday (day of Venus) or Monday (day of the Moon) when Venus is visible in the sky ~ either rising as the morning star or evening star ~ depending on where the planet is in its heliacal cycle.

At present, depending on where you are in the world, you can expect an appearance of its silvery starlight before sunrise from around mid-February to mid-March.

• If the moon is in its new phase, it will support you to make a fresh start in your love life.

• If the moon is in its waxing phase it will support you to increase love in your life.

• If the moon is in its full phase it will support you in revealing insight into your relationship habits.

• If the moon is in its waning phase it will support you in releasing past wounds or patterns that aren’t serving you well.


Set up:

You can enhance your environment any way you wish, pink candles, rose essential oil or incense, soft music etcetera. Have all the items you’ll be needing close at hand within your chosen workspace so you do not have to move in and out of your sacred space to look for items.


You will need:

• Your favourite perfume/cologne

• Ground cinnamon

• Dried thyme

• Ground paprika

• Dried chamomile (open up a teabag if need be)

• A small bowl

• A pair of scissors

• Some string or ribbon in the colour of your choice

• A piece of paper and pen – I always like to start with a full A4 page and then I can cut away any unused space if I don’t fill the whole page. You may wish to choose red or pink paper and write in gold or silver ink. Or white paper and write in green, red or pink ink (whichever appeals most to you).


If you have any sensitivities or allergies to a particular ingredient, please refrain from attempting to use it, rather substitute. Heed all warnings and instructions on the products you use.


What to do:

1) To begin, imagine a magenta and gold light swirling around you to form a dome, encasing you within your workspace.


2) Ground and centre yourself.


3) Ask your Spirit Helpers (or your preference) to come to your side and preside over this rite in the highest light and purest intent.


4) Ask the Spirit of Venus and the Spirit of the Moon to assist you as well as any ancestors you share a special bond with to support your desire regarding enduring romantic love.

*If you are attracting a new relationship:

On the piece of paper, write out a list of attributes you are looking for in a romantic partner. You can include a few physical characteristics, an age range and rather importantly, that the person is single and emotionally available.

But keep your focus on qualities such as kindness, attentiveness and patience, for example, how you would like to feel about the person and how you would like them to feel about you.

*If you are deepening an existing relationship:

On the piece of paper, write out a list of attributes you would like you current relationship to have. Think back to when you first met, how you felt, what you thought about your partner and the future you envisioned together. How has it shifted? What has improved? In which way do you want to proceed going forward?


5) Trim off any unused paper from the sheet.


6) Take your perfume/cologne and spritz or dab some on the top left corner of the piece of paper, as you incant:

Ancient Ones of Air, I call forth your blessings of effective, harmonious communication.”


7) Take your perfume/cologne and spritz or dab some on the bottom left corner of the piece of paper, as you incant:

Ancient Ones of Fire, I call forth your blessings so that the initial spark of attraction turns to a steady flame.”


8) Take your perfume/cologne and spritz or dab some on the bottom right corner of the piece of paper, as you incant:

Ancient Ones of Water, I call forth your blessings to open my heart and wash away any unresolved hurts so that I may receive the kind of love I desire.”


9) Take your perfume/cologne and spritz or dab some on the top right corner of the piece of paper, as you incant:

Ancient Ones of Earth, I call forth your blessings for honest, committed love.”


10) Take a pinch of cinnamon and holding it in your palm, in front of your heart imagine a brilliant beam of light flowing through the crown of your head and beaming out from your heart centre into the cinnamon in your hand, enlivening its spirit with pure Source energy and enhancing its properties for success and luck. Place it in the bowl.


11) Take a pinch of thyme and holding it in your palm, in front of your heart imagine a beam of light flowing through the crown of your head and beaming out from your heart centre into the thyme in your hand, enlivening its spirit with pure Source energy and enhancing its properties to stimulate a whole, pure healthy love. Place it in the bowl.


12) Take a pinch of paprika and holding it in your palm, in front of your heart imagine a beam of light flowing through the crown of your head and beaming out from your heart centre into the paprika in your hand, enlivening its spirit with pure Source energy and enhancing its properties for passion and loyalty. Place it in the bowl.


13) Take a pinch of chamomile and holding it in your palm, in front of your heart imagine a beam of light flowing through the crown of your head and beaming out from your heart centre into the chamomile in your hand, enlivening its spirit with pure Source energy and enhancing its properties for happiness and peace. Place it in the bowl.


14) In the centre of the piece of paper, over some of your writing, draw the Rune Laguz, for the love you want to flow to you easily and freely. Take your perfume/cologne and spritz or dab some in the centre of the piece of paper over the Rune to “seal” it.

Runes operate both in the realm of ether and matter (an energy as an observable symbol), so it connects through your light body and filters into the physical realm.


15) Take the bowl up in your non-dominant hand and mix the botanicals with the index finger of your dominant hand. It doesn’t matter which direction you stir really, but the standard rule of thumb is clockwise if you are in the northern hemisphere or anti-clockwise if you are in the southern hemisphere.


16) Whilst blending the enlivened ingredients together, imagine your self-love and self-worth rising into optimal levels. Sense your personal light shining brightly and imagine what the unhampered equal flow of love between hearts feels like.


17) Holding this sensation within your being, tip the contents of the bowl out into the centre of the paper and fold it up neatly into a little packet.


18) Tie the packet with the string or ribbon and affirm, “It is done.”


In closing

Affirm, “I now completely release my request and hand it over in perfect love and perfect trust to the universe (or your preference) to be fulfilled in joyful miraculous ways in accordance with my highest good.


I give thanks to all beings who presided over this rite and I ask that my request be granted on all levels through all dimensions, known and unknown in perfect alignment with my soul essence. I now release any unused energy into the Earth to flow where it is most needed.”


Place the packet under your bed or mattress.


After the Spell…

• It is most important to release your wish and not think about it constantly. You may find it helpful to think of spellcasting like blowing bubbles or releasing helium-filled balloons into the ether and letting go of them mentally as you would observe the bubble or balloon sailing across the sky.

• Have something to eat, even a quick snack like almonds and raisins to help you ground and centre your energy after the spell. It also signifies the embodiment of your desire.

I look forward to hearing how this spell transpires for you…


Ready to receive a bespoke ritual magick heart healing?

Book a bespoke heart healing and cosmic love activation rite with me (available in February only) it soothes away heartache and immerses you in cosmic love with the support of the Unicorn and Fae realms with gentle swirling golden gloss.

Give me 5 minutes...

And you will feel more grounded, at ease and blessed

— moving through this world like a force of nature.