How to work with Venus Retrograde energy, 17 Ways to use it to your advantage, and why you would want to. 


About Planetary Retrogrades

When a planet is closest to Earth in its orbit around the Sun, it looks like it slows down, turns around and travels backwards, appearing to come back closer to the Earth.

This is an optical illusion due to our relative orbit around the Sun. It is a bit like travelling on the highway and watching the trees on the road alongside you. As you pass them, it seems like the trees are moving backwards.


Apparent retrograde motion occurs when Earth passes slower moving planets further out in orbit. This takes a series of seconds in the sky but from our point of view on Earth, one second is approximately one week in Earth time.

Before a planet appears to retrograde, it is at its furthest point from the Earth in its orbit around the Sun. During the Earth’s passing of the planet, the planet will align with the Earth and Sun and be at its closest point to the Earth so it looks larger in the night sky.


Retrogrades affect us on Earth, because the energy of a retrograde planet “feels” different. Since it appears closer to us than usual, its energy associated with its area of influence is amplified.

A planet’s retrograde energy tends to hinder the areas its energy governs. While it can be frustrating because it seems like you are taking one step forward and then two backward, a retrograde period is a natural cycle, just like the turning of the seasons and the phases of the moon.


It provides a period of time for us to become aware of new possibilities or perhaps shift perspective so that we can make better conscious choices and take more aligned actions.

Ancient astrologers described a retrograde planet as being in “meditation” which is a great analogy because things within its sphere of influence are suspended while energies are brewing that will bring greater clarity.


They also said that the energy of a retrograde planet is five times more powerful for incurring change due to its close proximity to Earth and while making adjustments may be experienced as three times more difficult, you will experience three times the results if you put the required effort in during this phase.

This means some discomfort and keen self-awareness in the respective life area the planet correlates with, but it also means long-lasting change and increased productivity.


A retrograde cycle starts when the planet begins to slow to a halt before travelling “backwards” and ends when the planet returns to the point where it first paused, i.e. stations direct.

The energies of celestial bodies are not only reflected in our daily lives and the workings of our consciousness, but also shed light on patterns of social behaviour around us.


Retrogrades serve us by giving us a “wake-up” call so that we can consciously evaluate the patterns of our actions, desires and underlying motivations associated with the planet in question’s domain.

Complications tend to arise, as well as unexpected twists. For in-depth analyses of these retrograde energies and how they affect you personally, you may want to procure the services of a professional astrologer.


Obviously, life cannot come to a halt because of a planetary retrograde. However, you can prepare for it, schedule around these dates where possible when mapping your year. Try to anticipate where problems are likely to occur and plan for dealing with them in advance.


About Venus Retrograde

For approximately 40 days and 40 nights (about 42 days) between 22 July 2023 and 3 September 2023 Venus will be retrograde from our perspective here on Earth.

The time before a planet turns retrograde and begins to “slow down” and the time after a planet turns direct and begins “speeding up” again is called the retrograde shadow zone. This year the shadow zone dates are 19 June 2023 to 21 July 2023 (slowing down) then 4 September 2023 to 7 October 2023 (speeding up).


During retrograde, Venusian influences are more palpable and tend to dominate specific Venusian trends in our lives.

Ancient astrologers described a retrograde planet as being in “meditation” which is a great analogy because things within its sphere of influence are suspended while energies are brewing that will bring greater clarity.


They also said that the energy of a retrograde planet is five times more powerful for incurring change due to its close proximity to Earth and while making adjustments may be experienced as three times more difficult, you will experience three times the results if you put the required effort in during this phase.

This means some discomfort and keen self-awareness in the respective life area the planet correlates with, but it also means long-lasting change and increased productivity in that area.


Venus rules pleasure, love, romance, aesthetics, luxury, money, fashion, all forms of desire, harmony and values. Old flames and friends may resurface, any relationship issues will take the limelight, they are a type of contract and partnerships must be reconsidered especially if they are difficult, values, wants and needs are reconsidered, be clear about what you want to attract and manifest for yourself.

Venus retrograde is considered unfavourable for; cosmetic surgery, make-overs, purchasing luxury items, new clothes, getting married (book a consultation with an astrologer to determine the best timing), throwing parties, redecorating or renovating home or business.


Cast your mind back to what happened in your life particularly related to love and money goals, your sense of worthiness and confidence between 13 May 2020 to 5 June 2020 and 19 December 2021 and 29 January 2022 (the most recent times Venus was retrograde, in Gemini and Capricorn respectively).


This retrograde, Venus is in fiery Leo.


The last couple of times Venus retrograde occurred in Leo specifically was July to September 2007 and July to September 2015 so pay attention to the themes that occurred back then…


That’s not to say you will experience the same type of event however there can be an underlying familiar pattern that arises to say, “Hello, old friend.” Except this time you are engaging it from a different wavelength ~ older, wiser and stronger 🙂


  • How do you really feel?
  • How do you want to feel?
  • What do you really need?
  • Where did you feel dissatisfied or unfulfilled?
  • What did you do to show the cosmos you were serious about/ committed to your goals?
  • How did things unfold as a result?
  • In what ways have you come to value yourself and your contributions via your unique skillset and talents in the world since?


This is not about worship of a deity. The idea is that cosmic patterns move the energies in a fluid way over the Earth and we are able to activate them more easily within ourselves.


After approximately 2000+ years of distorted patriarchal dominance the divine feminine goddess energy is reintegrating with our way of being on the planet, stimulating more intuitive approaches in all respects that aid in restoring harmony and balance on this plane.

Feminine energy holds a negative charge while masculine energy holds a positive charge (like a battery). Together they form the magnetic field that unifies the pattern of life.

Masculine energy is directive; it gives structure to the living matrix. Feminine energy responds to this framework by imbuing it with creative power.


Venus Retrograde Magick |


Attune to Venus retrograde energy to:

1. See the beauty, abundance, friendships/any other human connections and all the good already in your life


2. Develop more happiness and peace in your life (What do you know better? Where do you want to do things differently?)


3. Foster centeredness within by stopping to smell the roses and acknowledging the beauty around you so often taken for granted by humankind


4. Cultivate the inner qualities of self-love and appreciation of inner beauty, this 40-day passage has been described as a “rebirth of the heart.”


5. Pamper your physical body as your most valuable asset (without health, loved ones and something that uplifts and inspires you every day money is meaningless)


6. Bring laughter and joy to the lives of others that instils hope, serenity and faith


7. Deepen your emotional connection with others (intimate relationships, friendships, business connections)


8. Smooth a period of rapid change (work, home, travel)


9. Evaluate where you are over giving or under giving in a relationship (any type) and perhaps prepare to let go if it no longer serves you


10. Boost your allure to attract a new love


11. Re-examine how you want to present yourself to the world and if it matches what you wish to experience. What do you consider appealing and worthy of pursuit?


12. Recognise your self-worth and the value you provide to others


13. Explore and open up to new possibilities for different or enhanced income streams. Poise yourself for a fresh realisation that creates breakthrough regarding a financial blockage


14. Re-assess, recommit or release your spiritual path (or any form of partnership)


15. Work with a woman to explore the possibilities of a project/aspiration that is important to you or focus on developing women-related projects


16. Embrace your feminine power, with long spa style baths, time outside connecting with the Earth through your feet, belly or back


17. Take a dance class like belly dancing, Latin American or even Zumba with hip movements that stimulate your creative sacral chakra


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